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Web / Boutique en ligne 44, rue François 1er, 75008 Paris Tél : 33 (0) 1 47 20 78 55 Fax : 33 (0) 1 47 23 40 11
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Txampi Diz dizkcdworldwide.fr ou Guillaume Delacroix delacroixkcdworldwide.fr Presse Interne 44, rue François 1er, 75008 Paris Tél : 33 (0) 1 47 20 78 55 Fax : 33 (0) 1 47 23 40 11
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Edith Guérin Edithaubert746msn |
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GENERAL ENQUIRIES For general enquiries and Customer Services,not regarding Mulberry,plesase contact: Telephone: +44(0)1761 234 200 Email: jillvmulberry |
| 吳季剛 Jason Wu聯(lián)系方式 USA Gina Pepe 240 West 35th Street, 11 Floor New York, NY 10001 T 646 395 3774 F 212 643 0508 ginajasonwustudio
UNITED KINGDOM BISMARCK PHILLIPS COMMUNICATIONS LONDON Darren Howell or Narmin Mohammadi 33 Percy Street London, England W1T2DF T 44 207 631 1096 F 44 207 636 7376 darrenbpcm narminbpcm
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吳季剛(Jason Wu) 在全世界范圍內共擁有超過17家專賣店和經銷商,其中在美國就擁有30家,在中國雖沒有吳季剛(Jason Wu) 的專賣店,但是在上海和北京共有3處可以購買到吳季剛(Jason Wu) 的商品。
上海: 1、凹凸前沿設計概念店:盧灣區(qū)馬當路245號新天地時尚購物廣場L112號商鋪(近復興中路) 2、The Villa:上海市徐匯區(qū)桃江路1號
北京: 1、Lane Crawford:朝陽區(qū)建國門外大街2號銀泰中心裙座2-3樓 除此以外,我們也可以在Shopbop、Neiman Marcus、NET-A-PORTER時尚奢侈品購物網站上購買到吳季剛 (Jason Wu) 的產品。 |
| 馬克·雅可布之馬克 Marc by Marc Jacobs聯(lián)系方式 Marc Jacobs Collection Men's RTW USA - Leslie Chenoweth LESLIE_CHENOWETHSTAFFINTERNATIONAL INT'L - Marzia Serraglia MARZIA_SERRAGLIASTAFFINTERNATIONAL Marc Jacobs Collection Women's Shoes USA: SALESIRIS-NORTHAMERICA
INT'L: SALESEUIRISSHOES Marc Jacobs Collection Men's Shoes Daniela Corazzari
Little Marc Jacobs US Tel: 212-279-7672 INT'L Tel: +33-472-013-076 LMJSALESZANNIERGROUP Hand Bags Tel: 866-458-5534 REPAIRSMARCJACOBS
Marc by Marc Jacobs Women's Shoes USA Tel: 212-751-1222 SALESUSAROSSIMODA INT'L Tel: +39-049-828-4211 SALESROSSIMODA Marc by Marc Jacobs Swimwear Michele Smith MICHELE_SMITHSWIMWEAR-ANYWHERE
Eyewear Tel: 800-850-3919
Diane White
Fragrance Tel: 800-715-4023
Timepieces Tel: 800-449-3056 |
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itde States ing,Syluie Picquet n Street 6th floor NEW York NY10013 Tel:+1-212-228 8181 Fax:+1-212-228 8787
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PARTITA Iva: 00220950430 |
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通過電話 客戶服務 +44 (0)20 3402 1444
通過郵件 Burberry Limited Customer Service Department Horseferry House Horseferry Road London SW1P 2AW
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