| Lisa Ho Lisa Ho 聯(lián)系方式 Lisa Ho Retail Pty Ltd. ABN: 11 054 467 471
Level 1 11-17 Buckingham Street Surry Hills NSW 2010 Australia Ph (+612) 8303 7888 Fax (+612) 9698 2056 |
| Colette Vermeulen聯(lián)系方式 mailcolettevermeulen
+44 779 234 6525 |
| Peet Dullaert聯(lián)系方式 PRESSPEETDULLAERT |
| Lady Foot Locker聯(lián)系方式 Phone Please call our Customer Service representatives. We are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Domestic Customers: 1.800.991.6686 International Customers: 1.715.261.9588
| Striessnig聯(lián)系方式 Modecenterstra遝 12 A-1030 Wien Tel.:+43(0)1/7992535 Fax:+43(0)1/7992101 Email an Office
| Caterina Gatta聯(lián)系方式 Direct info: caterinagattagmail |
| The Kooples聯(lián)系方式 The Kooples概念店: 營業(yè)時(shí)間: 周一11h-19h 周二到周五10h30-19h30 周六10h30-20h 地址: 191, rue saint-honoré 電話: 01 49 26 05 35 |
| Goldbergh聯(lián)系方式 Goldbergh Tokyostraat 7-11 1175 RB Lijnden Nederland Tel: +31(0)206155492 E-mail: infogoldbergh
BTW nr: NL850722573B01 Kvk nummer: 53046889 |
| Like My Mother聯(lián)系方式 tel: +39 02 54120359 fax: +39 02 54120353 |
| Lorry Newhouse聯(lián)系方式 please contact infolorrynewhouse |
| 羅蘭愛思 Laura Ashley 聯(lián)系方式 Write to Customer Services: PO Box 19 Newtown Powys SY16 1DZ
| Antonio Croce聯(lián)系方式 Antonio Croce Showroom Via Montenapoleone, 17
20121 Milan, Italy
Tel +39 02 89 05 00 58
e-mail: showroom-milanoantoniocroce
Commercial Director: Consuelo Di Maggio e-mail: consuelo.dimaggioantoniocroce
PR: Anna Circelli e-mail: annacircelliantoniocroce
PRESS OFFICE: Silvia Cardinali - Luisa Mancosu e-mail: pressofficeantoniocroce
Communication: MITTESTUDIO | Leonardo Corallini Via G.Rosales, 9
20124 Milan, Italy
Tel +39 02 36 5115 06
Cel +39 348 51 00 535
e-mail: leonardocoralliniantoniocroce
Company: Aesse Projects S.r.L. Via Mercadante, 51
47841 Cattolica (RN) - ITALY
Tel +39 0541 833 190
Fax + 39 0541 839 378
e-mail: antoniocroceantoniocroce |
| Julien Fournie聯(lián)系方式 Address: 10 rue de la Paix 75002 Paris FRANCE
Press Contact: pressjulienfournie |
| Gustavolins聯(lián)系方式 83 RUE VIEILLE DU TEMPLE 75003 PARIS
+33.1 42 72 37 24 MAILgustavolins |
| 派意特聯(lián)系方式 地址:湖南省,長沙市,臺(tái)商投資區(qū),金星大道1689號(hào).
傳真:86-731-88586590 |
| 來吃早餐 ComeForBreakfast聯(lián)系方式 Head office & Showroom
Via Friuli 26 A
Tel. +39 02 89694197
Fax +39 02 97387116
Via Varese 18
(entrance - Via Francesco Crispi 8)
20121 Milano
Tel. +39 02 6887400
pressstudionext.it |
| bibhu Mohapatra聯(lián)系方式 Sales: salesbibhu
212 579 2095
646 926 2095
Press: Cecily Baring-Gould pressbibhu 212 579 2095
Showroom: Suite 1100 270 W. 38th Street NY, NY 10018 212 579 2095 studiobibhu
Special Orders: 646 714-2656 custombibhu |
| Ronald Abdala聯(lián)系方式 Head Office Dakdouk Building. 5th floor. Shehade St. Tabaris Achrafieh. Beirut - Lebanon + 961 3 39 31 28
Boutique Abdel Wahab Al Inglisi St. Achrafieh. Beirut - Lebanon + 961 1 33 70 33
Press Contact prronaldabdala
Administration Rosie Abdala . Managing Director rosieronaldabdala inforonaldabdala
Press Office (U.S) Preface PR Lindsey Larson + 1 323.424.7160 lindseyprefacepr |
| Sophie Hulme聯(lián)系方式 英國: 電話:+44(0)7515 754430 |
| Litkovskaya聯(lián)系方式 Show RoomUkraine, Kiev 7B Degtyarevskaya str. +38 044 483 56 29 +38 099 112 72 44 +38 050 469 79 19 infolitkovskaya
StoresINVOGA Lesi Ukrainki bul'v. 14, Kiev
PODIUM Dnepropetrovsk Karla Marksa 10 056) 370-17-57 |