| Lauren Moffatt 聯(lián)系方式 214 W29 STREET SUITE #1503 NEW YORK, NY 10001
TEL 212.465.0839
Fax 212.465.2334
| 勞倫·康拉德 Lauren Conrad聯(lián)系方式 Press Inquiries Nicole Perez PMK-BNC Nicole.Perezpmkbnc
Agent Contact Max Stubblefield United Talent Agency stubblefieldmunitedtalent |
| Senhoa 聯(lián)系方式 For general inquiries and information, call our Head Office: +1 (440) 9 SEN HOA or +1 (440) 973 6462. E-mail: infosenhoa.org
Write to us at: SENHOA 7491 Talbert Avenue, Suite 200 Huntington Beach, CA 92648 USA |
| Pura Vida Bracelets 聯(lián)系方式 Pura Vida Bracelets 4475 Mission Blvd. Suite 226 San Diego, CA 92109
phone: 858.444.5477 puravidabraceletsgmail puravidacampusrepsgmail |
| 妙麗 Milly聯(lián)系方式 Milly NY (Corporate Office) 265 West 37th Street, 20th floor New York, NY 10018
Phone:212-921-7800 FAX:212-382-3338
President: Andrew Oshrin Email: Aoshrinmillyny
Marketing: Dani Levitan Email: dlevitanmillyny
Accessories: Carol Dimaio Email: cdimaiomillyny
Retail and Ecommerce: Tatiana Perkin Email: tperkinmillyny
Madison Avenue Flagship Store 900 Madison Avenue New York, NY 10021
Contact:Deb Roldan Email:droldanmillyny
L'Atelier Group (New York Sales Office) 231 West 39th Street Suite 920 New York, NY 10018
Phone:212-827-0010 FAX:212-827-0040 Contact:Bari Colangeli Email:baril-ateliergroup |
| 亞歷克西斯·哈德森 Alexis Hudson 聯(lián)系方式 Alexis Hudson Corporate salesalexishudsoninc
SALES SOLA SHOWROOM 45 East 20th Street- 2nd Floor New York, NY 10003 212.620.0988 solasolasr
PUBLIC RELATIONS YAYA PUBLICITY 212.217.2621 AngelaYaYaPublicity |
| Wildfox Kids 聯(lián)系方式 HEADQUARTERS 2529 Berkely Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90026 PH: 213.484.8650 F: 213.484.1571 INFOWILDFOXCOUTURE
524 Broadway, Suite 401 New York, NY 10012 PH: 212.645.3073 F: 212.645.3075 |
| 理查·泰勒 Richard Tyler聯(lián)系方式 Richard Tyler 電話:323-931-9678
哪里可以買到, South Pasadena, Ca 南加利福尼亞州帕薩迪納的理查德泰勒精品
| Lizzie Fortunato 聯(lián)系方式 29 Essex Street,Ground Floor New York NY 10002 302-463-7553 |
| 巴樂士 Parlux 聯(lián)系方式 For more information or comments please contact us at:
5900 North Andrews Avenue,Suite 500 Fort Lauderdale,Florida 33309
Phone:954.316.9008 fax: 954.491.1187 e-mail:infoparlux |
| Demetrios 聯(lián)系方式 Albania salesdemetrios.gr
Australia demetriosbridaloptusnet.au
Belgium demetriositaliatiscali.it
Bulgaria aretimail.bg
Canada infoprincess-bridals
Croatia demetriositaliatiscali.it
Cyprus salesdemetrios.gr
South m
Spain t
Swiss demetriositaliatiscali.it
The Netherlands demetriositaliatiscalinet.it
Turkey infobeyazbutik.tr
UK & Ireland demetriositaliatiscalinet.it |
| Seneca Risin 聯(lián)系方式 SenecaRising Attn: Online Store 761 E. 9th st
Los Angeles, CA 90021
servicesenecarising |
| Emily Cho 聯(lián)系方式 EMILY CHO LLC 137 5th Avenue 11th FL New York, NY 10010 Tel: 212.460.5725 Fax: 212.353.0831
PRESS INQUIRIES CONTACT: Leigh Zinno Media Group danalz-mg 646.580.1494 |
| 比利·里德 Billy Reid 聯(lián)系方式 By E-mail servicebillyreid for the quickest answer any time of the day.
By Phone 877.757.3934 - Monday Thru Friday 9:00am 'til 5:00pm Central
By Mail Billy Reid Customer Support 114 North Court Street Florence, Alabama 35630
For a Personal Shopper & Hospitality Representative servicebillyreid
General Information Inquiries infobillyreid
Wholesale Inquiries salesbillyreid
Press Contact prbillyreid |
| Romeo & Juliet Couture Romeo & Juliet Couture聯(lián)系方式 New York 499 7th Ave. 2nd Floor (North Tower) New York, NY 10018 T:212.279. 5566
Los Angeles 860 S. Los Angeles St., Los Angeles, CA 90014 T: 213.689.7999
| TOMS 聯(lián)系方式 Customer Service 1-800-975-8667 |
| 《Nylon》 Nylon聯(lián)系方式 110 GREENE STREET,SUITE 607,NEW YORK,NY,10012 TEL: 212.226.6454 FAX: 212.226.7738 |
| 邁克爾·巴斯蒂安 Michael Bastian聯(lián)系方式 MICHAEL BASTIAN MICHAEL BASTIAN 210 Eleventh Ave.Suite 300 New York,NY 10001 212,228.3400
SALES New York Rose Castillo 210 Eleventh Ave.Suite 300 New York,NY 10001 212,228.3400
PRESS Eugenia Gonzalez Ruiz Olloqui 210 Eleventh Ave.Suite 300 New York,NY 10001 212,228.3400 |
| A.L.C. A.L.C. 聯(lián)系方式 EAST COAST&CANADA: lindsay mycrs 80 west 40th street penthoust penthouse New York,NY 10018 p-212-398-1641 F-212-398-2274 lindsaym10eleven |
| 湯姆賓斯 Tom Binns聯(lián)系方式 visit the Tom Binns Megastore ! 41 Perry Street, NY, NY, 10014 T: +1 917 475 1412
Tue - Sat 12pm - 7pm Sunday 12pm - 6pm
PRESS ENQUIRIES For any and all enquiries, please email Nicky Jackson
Nicky Jackson Press Attaché T: +1 917 475 1412 F: +1 310 399 7452
WHOLESALE ENQUIRIES For any and all enquiries, please email Dean Stephen
Dean Stephen International Sales T: +44 203 219 2008
LOGISTICAL & REPAIR ENQUIRIES For any and all enquiries, please email Nicole Giacobazzi
Nicole Giacobazzi Production Director T: +1 310 396 8078 F: +1 310 399 7452
| 《Allure》 聯(lián)系方式 免費服務(wù)熱線: 800-678-1825.
| 諾瑪·卡瑪麗 Norma Kamali聯(lián)系方式 TELEPHONE NUMBER: 212.957.9797 FAX NUMBER: 212.265.9154
| 鄧姚莉 Yeohlee Teng聯(lián)系方式 YEOHLEE 25 West 38th Street New York, NY 10018 Tel: 212 631 8099 Fax: 212 631 0918
Sales & Customer service salesyeohlee
Press Inquiries pressyeohlee
Job and Internship Opportunities Please specify your interest (Design, Production, Public Relations, Sales, Other) hryeohlee |
| Tibi Tibi 聯(lián)系方式 Tibi Corporate Office: 666 Broadway,10th floor New York, NY 10012 Ph: 212.966.3773 Fax: 212.966.2961
Australian Sales Office: Higgovale Pty Ltd. Office: Suite 101 Angela House 30-36 Bay St Double Bay 2028 Sydney, NSW Australia Ph: +61 (2) 9327.3377 Fax: +61 (2) 9327.8050 Contact: Katie Benson Email: katie.bensonhiggovale.au
Los Angeles Press Office laChambre Public Relations 8455 Beverly Blvd, Suite 508 Los Angeles, CA 90048 Ph: 323.782.9385 Fax: 323.916.0385 Contact: Sahar Sanjar ssanjarlachambrepr
Milan Showroom: Ph: +39.02.4548.6911 Fax: +39.02.4548.7389 Contact: Simona De Paola simonamirabel-edgedale.ltd |
| Zero Maria Cornejo 聯(lián)系方式 Studio - Corporate Office: 33 Bleecker Street New York, NY, 10012 Tel 212 925 3849
Press Contact: Gabrielle Tel 212 925 3849
Wholesale Sales Contact: Alexandra Tel 212 925 3849 |
| Zero Maria Cornejo 聯(lián)系方式 Studio - Corporate Office: 33 Bleecker Street New York, NY, 10012 Tel 212 925 3849
Press Contact: Gabrielle Tel 212 925 3849
Wholesale Sales Contact: Alexandra Tel 212 925 3849 |