3 av. Octave Gréard
75007 Paris,
+33 (0)1 40 76 10 10
Alcatel-Lucent welcomes your questions and comments.
Please feel free to contact us at any time at:
By mail: Financealcatel-lucent
By phone: +1-908-582-6173 (US Office)
0800 354 354 (toll-free for investors within France)
If you have questions about the exchange of your Lucent common stock for Alcatel-Lucent ADSs, please call The Bank of New York Mellon at 1-866-406-6662 (within the U.S.) or 1-212-815-3700 (outside the U.S. and Canada) Mon. - Fri., 8:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Eastern Time.
You may also write to them at:
The Bank of New York Mellon
P.O. Box 11018
New York, NY 10286-1018
For general information and any non-exchange related questions about your account, please contact The Bank of New York Mellon at:
+1 888-582-3686 (toll-free within the U.S., Canada or Puerto Rico)
+1 212-815-3700, company code 3460 (international from outside the U.S.)